What Goes Into an Event?

by | Aug 18, 2015 | News

Last weekend Shotts and Dykehead Caledonia emerged victorious at the World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow. The joy in their faces was understandable as they became the first Scottish winner since 2005, no doubt a feeling of elation as the preparation and hard work paid off big time.

Over the years we have grown used to seeing that same look of elation on the faces of those who have clearly taken the time to carefully plan their event. Similar to the pipe band, a successful event is a team effort, it requires careful preparation and consideration to each small component, get it right and everyone is marching to the same beat, without it and it can quickly go wrong very easily.

At a glance, it is tempting to think that arranging a successful event is very simple, when actually the best ones require lot of careful thought and preparation. We take a look at some essential factors to help you get started with your next event:




Picture the scene, you are at a conference and the main keynote speaker takes the stage to deliver a presentation, just as it starts the microphone rings out and the screens go blank. In one moment a whole event is ruined. Taking the time to source a professional audio and visual company cannot be overstated, it can help give your event the foundation it needs to be great.



Get your safety measures in place

Safety at an event can extend well beyond having first aid on hand for your guests, while that is still an essential service to have in case of emergencies, you also have to consider the logistics of your event and what legislation is in place. For example, if you need to erect a stage outdoors you may need it signed off first by building control. Nothing ruins a show like having no stage!



Is your location right?

Give some thought to the type of event you are wanting to plan, then choose a venue to suit it. Sometimes this is done the other way around and leaves you restricted to the location. You wouldn’t buy an expensive suit without knowing your size, so think of your event in the same way and you will find a venue that is the perfect fit for your event.



Is this thing on?

Electricity is a vital resource for most events, when planning your event you must give some thought to the amount of people in attendance and whether or not you have sufficient power for it. A great way to make be sure of this is using a generator at your event, particularly if you’re going to be holding it outdoors.



Does anyone know about it?

The final point to consider when planning an event is make sure you promote it properly. Look at your audience and choose the best way to reach them. It will differ for each event, some may require promotion online, others may need a more formal invitation. Let people know in advance and remind them closer to it, after all they will deliver the final verdict on the event, so it is worth making sure they attend!

These are all great starting points to help you get started in planning your next event. If you have any questions or need help getting your event up and running, give us a call today and we can chat about your requirements. For more news and updates from Precise Audio, follow us on FacebookTwitter and Linked In, as well as right here on our blog.

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