Our mobile stages taking centre stage is something we’re familiar with at Precise. From our popular Roadshow stage to dedicated platforms for all types of event, our stages continue to provide the focal point our customers require at their big day or evening.
A mobile stage is, on the face of it, quite a simple device. It sits there, relatively unnoticed, providing a platform for whichever artist, personality, performer or band require some elevation. Like anything simple, however, it can be taken for granted. After all, it’s just a cleverly constructed piece of metal, isn’t it?
To a degree, yes, that’s exactly what it is. At Precise, however, we’re stage geeks. We love them and, like anything in life, if someone is willing to put all of their effort into providing the best of something, it makes everyone else’s life easier.
We love stages even more if they move and now we’ve got an addition to our movable, transformer-like line up in the form of our new trailer stage hire. First impressions really do deceive, as this impressively robust-looking piece of kit is actually one of the lightest (yet, of course, still toughest) in our range. It’s also lightening-quick, going from trailer to entertainment centre piece in just forty-five minutes. Not quite Optimus Prime quick, but then we doubt he’d do quite as good a job at hosting a four-piece band on his back (nor does he have £10 million of public liability insurance, if the films are anything to go by).
Picture yourself organising an event in a city street, park or remote field; they’re not easy places in which to position or level stages, let alone get them there. That’s where our trailer really comes into its own. It is designed specifically for small to medium spaces and will slot in nicely pretty much anywhere. You find the space and we’ll make it work.
We love stages that are self sufficient, too, and the trailer stage is very much an independent inanimate object. It comes with its own onboard generator and cover, providing power and weather protection for those inhabiting it.
In fact, we think you’ll love our trailer stage too. To find out more and book it for you next event, click here.