In Britain talking about the weather isn’t just small talk but a national pastime, and in our experience there are several forgotten aspects of rubbish weather that can affect your event.
Nobody has to tell you that our weather is unreliable at best. From spring snowstorms to surprise heat waves, you never know what’s going to happen next—and, when you’re planning an event, this makes planning outdoor activities tricky.
You’ve spent months planning your outdoor event you’ve got all the sound, lights, entertainment, marketing, invites, and everything else in place and ready to go. The day of your event comes you look outside, its raining with no signs of it going away.
Ever happened to you?
Dealing with and preparing for bad weather is an inescapable issue when planning events outdoors. Even when conditions, locations, and time of the year are working in your favor, there’s still a chance of inclement weather taking a toll on your event. Last week the Precise Events team worked on a four day event and like clockwork we experienced sun burn, rain, high winds and freezing temperatures. Sadly a majority of the events we work on we have to deal with rain storms and bad weather.
You can’t avoid bad weather at events, but you CAN prepare for it!
Plan ahead and ensure there’s a covered space you can utilise should bad weather hit.
If you’re reliant on outdoor areas that are going to get muddy once people are onsite, wood chips and hay will help you soak up the sludge.
Hard wearing, event-standard gazebos are inexpensive to purchase or hire.
It’s best to be prepared for all types of weather: Providing shade in the afternoon is particularly important as is a jumper for the end of evening performances. So sun hats, sun cream, sunglasses, raincoats and rain hats should all be considered.
Provide Comfort-boosting Features: As you already know, it’s often the little touches that make all the difference between an event that feels ho-hum and an event that feels special. In terms of weather, wow your guests by taking extra steps to account for potential discomforts. On hot days, hand out water bottles and sunscreen. If it’s raining, hand out disposable ponchos to people who are getting soaked.
Make a Plan B: Should inclement weather threaten to ruin your event, it’s good to have a backup plan. Whether this means moving your event indoors when it’s raining or putting up a big tent if it’s especially hot, knowing that you have another option is sure to calm your nerves, not to mention protect your event when unexpected weather changes strike.
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